NEA Task 2 : Research into Bauer


-          .- A multi media conglomerate

-          - According to Wikipedia “It operates worldwide and owns more than 600 magazines, over 400 digital products and 50 radio and TV stations, as well as print shops, postal, distribution and marketing services. Bauer has a workforce of approximately 11,000 in 17 countries”. Bauer Media Group - Wikipedia

-          - The Cosmopolitan and Grazia is some of their best brands.

-        -   Have the highest circulation in UK, Poland and Germany

-          - They try to reach all interests such as celebrities and special interest titles

-          - According to Bauer’s website-. “Our publications are number one in key markets including TV listings, real life, film, music, automotive, gardening, and women’s weeklies.Publishing - Bauer Media

-          - 40 magazine brands

-         -  Europe’s largest magazine publisher

-          - 200 million people using their services

Bauer are a multimedia conglomerate who, according to Wikipedia (Bauer Media Group - Wikipedia) operate worldwide and owns over 400 digital products and 50 radio and tv stations, as well as print shops, postal distribution and marketing services. Bauer are Europe’s largest magazine publisher with two hundred million people using their services. In their website, (Publishing - Bauer Media) they claim to reach all interests such as celebrities and special interest titles. Also, from Bauer’s website, (Company - Bauer Media) they claim that “We create content and provide services that matter most to millions of people around the world. We are guided by regular research and analysis of our markets and target groups, which allows us to understand our readers, users, listeners, and advertisers and know exactly how to engage, inform, and entertain. As a family-owned business, Bauer can operate quickly, with short decision-making cycles and a single vision: growth for the future.”

Wikipedia states that Bauer has a workforce of approximately 11,000 in 17 countries with The Cosmopolitan and Grazia being some of their best brands. They have the highest circulation in the UK, Poland and Germany, owning 40 magazine brands with over 140 years of publishing experience and being Europe’s largest magazine publisher. According to Publishing - Bauer Media “ Nearly a third of the magazines sold in the UK are Bauer titles. Our publications are number one in key markets including TV listings, real life, film, music, automotive, gardening, and women’s weeklies." Selling 153 million copies annually bring them to be number one in sales in over ten categories.



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