NEA Task 4 : Research Into An Existing Bauer Film Magazine (Empire)


The Empire brand has print magazines, podcasts (which is a top 5 hit in the iTunes charts), a website and digital editions which cover mainstream and less popular media, including interviews with some of the biggest names in Hollywood and premium content. There is an intertextual reference to Star Wars in the title of Empire.

Empire’s targeted audience is ¾ male ¼ females aged 18-40 years old and are university educated with little time to spare which means they use film as their escapism. A full page advert in Empire costs £6,370.

Whilst both Empire and our target audience use film as a form of escapism, there are varied differences between the two. We are targeting a younger audience who are likely to be students whilst Empire audiences are more likely to be graduated from university. The audience for the brief is also more interested into the behind the scenes parts and criticisms of films and less popular/alternative films rather than interviews with Hollywood celebrities and mainstream films which is what Empire offers to their audience.

Completed NEA

  My name is Ellie Wright. Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for the Making Media N o...