NEA Task 8 : Research Into Existing Film Magazines For A Media Literate Audience

 Film Stories

Film Stories originated as a podcast and website in 2018, founded by Simon Brew. It is now a monthly magazine, publishing middle to high market content, like interviews with film makers and directors. A typical cover of this magazine has one main image of the main topic of the edition (movie, director etc.) and the name of the magazine on the top, the magazine is typically £5.99.

Sight and Sound

Sight and Sound is a film magazine which was first published in 1932 and is published by BFI (British Film Institute) monthly for £6. There is a Sight and Sound website but it within the BFI website. A typical cover for the magazine is minimalistic as it has just one image and the brand name on it.

Little White Lies

Little White Lies is a film magazine published bimonthly since 2005 and is proud in its reviews on its website. A magazine usually costs £10.99 and the cover typically has lots of colour with an illustrated image and the brand name.

Completed NEA

  My name is Ellie Wright. Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for the Making Media N o...