1. What will your website header on the homepage look like?
The header of my website homepage will have a red banner with "THE EXCLUSIVE" central in the same font used for the magazine masthead in black with the tagline just under in a smaller size. On the far left I will have the Instagram, Facebook and YouTube logos for social media with a search... box above the social medias. On the right of the copy I will have the links to other pages which will be: The Magazine, New Releases, Interviews, Get Involved
2. What content will be on your homepage and linked page?
Homepage- different sections:
. a section with a picture of someone holding a notebook with a pen for "new and reviewed movies"
. A section with a black image with WIN white, give yourself the chance to win a free Netflix Subscription
. Our Latest reviews
. Shop for More Exclusives
. More about our team
Linked page- My working link will be "Interviews"
- A heading of Our Latest with a close up of Zack as Ben Arden with the rose in front of his face- "Forever and Always, the inside scoop from Arden" as a caption on the left and on the right side there will be a video clip for people to watch of the interview with captions
. more sections under that interview
. "Jake Tucker on his way into the industry"
. "Burden on her directorial debut"
. "Molly Woodward talks to us on her acting career"
. "Life Behind The Screen with Chris Hope"
3. What original audio or audio-visual content will be included on your website?
. an audio-visual interview with Ben Arden from the second edition to go in the interviews section